Unhappy with Blogger

I have used Blogger for a while now. I had a blog when I was a teenager (it was a fad then; all my friends had blogs even though we had nothing unique or interesting to say), and I've had this blog for over a year. But then this week, as I was trying to make a new post, Blogger informed me that my Picasa web album was full, so I couldn't post new pictures. I don't use Picasa, but I found my Picasa page (even though I never created it) because now that Google owns everything, everything is interconnected. So, on my Picasa page (which again, I DID NOT CREATE)  there were folders of all of the pictures I'd ever put on my blog. I thought, simple; I'll just delete them. But, then Picasa informed me that if I deleted any pictures, they would also disappear from anything else owned by Google. Which, is everything.

So, I had two options:

1) I could say, "Fine, Google! You win. I'll stop blogging."

2) I could say: "Fine, Google, you win! I'll pay $2.49 a month for more data."

I chose the latter, but now I am left wondering: if I stop paying, will my most recent blog posts disappear? I thought Google was the creator of free and amazing things, but not so anymore. Has anyone else hit the "out of space" problem? If so, did you pay, or is there another solution? I thought Blogger was free, so I haven't saved any of my student artwork photos anywhere else.
Tag : venting
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