Other Great Art Education Blogs

I finally added a blogroll of all of the blogs I am following on my page (scroll down; it's on the right below my followers). I get so many great ideas from other blogs, as well as from Pinterest (which often links back to another art teacher's blog!), so I'm going to share a little bit about a few of my favorites. All of the blogs I added have been wonderful resources for me, but I'm going to take a minute to just highlight a few:

  • Wish Upon A Paintbrush by Jackie Q. is a great blog full of creative ideas. Jackie is in her second year of teaching art after graduating in May 2011, just like me.
  • Art With Mr. E by Ted Edinger is the first blog I ever started following. Mr. E is the Elementary Art Teacher of the Year in Tennessee, and is always full of great ideas, including his latest: a mixed media mural created by students in 5 different grades!
  • Fru Billedkunst by Tina Kejlberg, an art teacher in Denmark, always has beautiful ideas. Because of my Swedish heritage, I can understand almost all of her posts (Swedish and Danish are similar languages). But, even if you can't understand what she writes, her pictures speak for themselves! Also, if you open her page in Chrome, there will be a "translate" option.
  • Art Sub Lessons by Snippety Gibbet is a great resource for writing lessons for substitute teachers. Most of her posts are from other art teachers (a few from me!), so if you have a great sub lesson you'd like to share, I'm sure she will be happy to post it.
  • Being Cr8iv by Jenni Ward is my favorite resource for clay projects. She has not posted since June, but her archives are full of great ideas that I have used in my own classroom, including what my 5th graders are currently working on (I'll post about it in a few weeks).
  • Dream Painters by Elizabeth in Australia is a blog full of great ideas. Elizabeth is a self-employed after school art teacher, and her students always do beautiful work.
  • Carol Marine's Painting A Day chronicles Carol's own work, as well as some painting workshops she teaches (for adults).
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