3rd Grade Art Bulletin Board

I cannot believe it's 100th day and I'm just finally putting up a bulletin board....where does time go? Honestly, I know where my time has been consumed; in previous years, I've spent several long afternoons a week in my classroom hours past dismissal, but this year I finally had to get a 3rd job, which takes nearly every afternoon I have left. When the cost of living keeps going up, and teacher salaries stay the same, it's hard to make ends meet! So, I got another waitress job at a new restaurant in town. This Saturday, I'm working at both my restaurant jobs....breakfast and lunch at Cracker Barrel, and dinner at my new job!

This bulletin board displays one of my favorite 3rd grade projects; negative space face vases! I explained the lesson in a post a few years ago. I absolutely love watercolor resist, so there are a few close-up photos to highlight some especially nice results from the technique.

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