3rd Grade Kites

As it's getting windy this fall, I thought kites would be a fun project for my 3rd grade students to use the principle of art pattern on. We discussed patterns that follow a rule, like an AB pattern, or an ABB pattern; but also, patterns that are just a design, and follow no rule. A pattern of dots can be random with big ones and small ones; or they can be lined up neatly, and follow a rule. Stripes can follow a rule, or they can be random colors.

After designing their kites on watercolor paper, I taught my students one of my favorite watercolor techniques: making clouds with a paper towel. The students painted their whole sky quickly with blue liquid watercolors and a large paint brush; then they dabbed away clouds with a balled up paper towel. They also used a paper towel to wipe away any watercolor that beaded up on the kites. Here are some results from the lesson:

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