Artist of the Week

I posted recently that my school is doing a fundraiser called Art to Remember. All of my students spent the last few weeks creating art for A2R. I was really happy with how the program went, because I was able to teach normal, standards-based, art history-infused lessons. I just had to use their "special" paper, and when I ran out, I cut our regular art paper (a similar weight) to the same size and used that. This way, most of my students were able to create 2 works of art, and pick their best. Some classes even had a choice of over 3 works of art!

The only down-side was, once we sent the art in, every student's best piece was gone....and I had nothing to put in my display case for "Artist of the Week". Until one of my very talented 4th grade students stayed after school to finish his lighthouse, which he'd put so much detail in that he didn't get done in class. Boy was I happy to see him! Here is his piece, which didn't make it into my lighthouse post since he didn't get done until a week or two after everyone else.

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