2nd Grade Paints Vases for Mother's Day!

A few weeks ago, I posted about saving little glass bottles from Cracker Barrel so my students could paint them for Mother's Day. I ended up doing the project with 2nd grade, and using Americana Gloss Enamels, purchased at Michael's Arts and Crafts. They worked really well, and the students loved it! They have learned a lot about patterns this semester, so I told them to make a pattern around their vases. We talked about how a vase doesn't have a front or back, so the pattern has to continue all around, so every side looks nice.

The students will be taking the vases home tomorrow. I asked the students to raise their hands if they had some flowers growing outside of their house, and every student raised their hand! No wonder Flora is called "The Garden Spot of Indiana". I asked the students to pick a flower right before they give the vase to their mother, and put it in the vase with some water. I'm sure some moms will be getting dandelions, but who wouldn't love a dandelion from a 2nd grader in a hand-painted vase?!

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